Friday, July 12, 2013

Medium Thoughts...

I had a friend send this to me, today on facebook. I love this illustration and the medium is very appealing to me. For my project, I am thinking along the lines of these few pictures. But, we will have to see. Here's the photo she sent me and two others that I've found.

The next two are some mediums that I am liking. I also thought about colored pencil.

Although, this is an interesting style also...
I enjoy the simplicity of the watercolor. As far as mediums go, I am most familiar with colored pencils, simple style coloring, and watercolor pencils. Just a thought...


  1. I like seeing how much effort you're putting into developing the style.

  2. Thanks! :) Yeah, I really want to be able to make the puppets work well. They are going to be simplified but, I want them to still be fun.
