Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Circus design - research and inspiration

Today, I had a friend show me  some great artwork from an artist, Chris Appelhans and then from that artist I found some art from  Chris Turnham and Joe Klassen. These are pictures below are from the visual development of  the motion picture Coraline.  Then, I have a few random pictures I found that have a cute design sense. A lot of the pieces of art from these artists have some great color and design. Some are a bit more complex but, I've been needing to take in a lot of circus art so here are some inspirations to my sketches.  I DO NOT... OWN OR CLAIM TO OWN ANY OF THESE ARTWORK PIECES. I'll be hoping back and forth between drawing another round of character designs and background exploration. It's been a really busy week and it has been hard to have time to work on anything. Our family is going to be moving, with work, and watching our puppy, it has been hard to sit down and work on things but, I'm hoping I'll be able to set some time aside to get really working on these explorations.

                                                  This artwork belongs to Chris Appelhans:
                                        I love the lighting and the color and the circus tent design.

This artwork belongs to Chris Turnham: I really love this artist's color design and style.

                                                       This artwork belongs to Joe Klassen:

Random Photos online search:



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