Monday, July 29, 2013


I'll be working on my character turnarounds to see if everything works out ok in their anatomy.  I've already starting working on rough storyboards. So, hopefully soon i'll have something good to show :)  Here's my giraffe turnaround. I posted a possible color version also.  I'll be updating this daily with all the animal turnarounds in this one post.  Stay updated and come visit my website every so often. :) Thank you all for the nice visits.

Without Color
                                                  Possible Color Choice -without shading







                                                                               Still working on this one..


It's a parade!

I finally got them all into one scene :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Simplified Squirrel Designs

Here are my three squirrel characters.

Simplified Monkeys

 Here are my simplified designs for my monkeys.  I had a lot of fun with these.

Simplified Storks

Here are my stork designs. 

Simplified Lion

Here's my lion that tames tamers. I am still going to make the young cub lion but, he probably won't be moving in the scene. It all depends though if I can mange to get all these puppets rigged and ready.  So, the more simple, the better. But, I'm liking this design for my lion character and his pet human.

Simplified Flamingo

Here are my designs for my juggling flamingo character.

Simplified Elephants

Here are my simplified designs for my elephants that blow bubbles. 

Simplified Dogs

Here are my designs for the dog driving toy cars. I am going to take off the hat and instead I am going to give him a red cape. He will be a white German shepherd puppy.

Simplified Cats

Here are my simplified designs for my prancing cat.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Simplified Circus Bird

Here is my simplified design for my blue-footed booby bird. He enjoys chuckling and eating pineapples. I decided to make him a cresent shaped bird with simple feathers and tail. I may simplify the webbed feet more into just a triangular foot shape.  I'm going to be making the rest of my work digital starting next week with my modified designs and my storyboards. I don't have a good computer at home and I don't have the Adobe Suite yet so I will be going to school to do most of my work.  Later, I'm planning to create a promotional piece with all the animals in it and the background so I can work on the way the final medium will look.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Simplified Bears

Here are some sketches for my simplified bear. I have one more page to upload but, I will do that later.



Simplified Giraffe

Here are some sketches I did for trying to narrow down my giraffe. I tried to figure out what I love best and make sure I take note of that and then, I'll be doing another page with the simplified design.  I'll be doing this for all the animals.


It's been awhile...

Hey there, I've had quite a lot going on at home with moving and all but, I've been working on my background designs along with the last round of sketches for my characters.  I'll be posting my character sketches and background explorations nearing the end of this week.  Then, it will be off for working on the rough storyboards.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Circus design - research and inspiration

Today, I had a friend show me  some great artwork from an artist, Chris Appelhans and then from that artist I found some art from  Chris Turnham and Joe Klassen. These are pictures below are from the visual development of  the motion picture Coraline.  Then, I have a few random pictures I found that have a cute design sense. A lot of the pieces of art from these artists have some great color and design. Some are a bit more complex but, I've been needing to take in a lot of circus art so here are some inspirations to my sketches.  I DO NOT... OWN OR CLAIM TO OWN ANY OF THESE ARTWORK PIECES. I'll be hoping back and forth between drawing another round of character designs and background exploration. It's been a really busy week and it has been hard to have time to work on anything. Our family is going to be moving, with work, and watching our puppy, it has been hard to sit down and work on things but, I'm hoping I'll be able to set some time aside to get really working on these explorations.

                                                  This artwork belongs to Chris Appelhans:
                                        I love the lighting and the color and the circus tent design.

This artwork belongs to Chris Turnham: I really love this artist's color design and style.

                                                       This artwork belongs to Joe Klassen:

Random Photos online search:



Background Brainstorming

I did a little bit of brainstorming of how the overall environment will look and how the animals will be presented for the show.  I'm still exploring.  I was thinking of having a central stage that the animals will appear on and parade on, or perhaps maybe having a one tent circus with a very large one ring in the middle for simplicity. I marked up some of my notes on the sketches.  I still have a lot of exploring and rough sketching to go but, it's a start.


I'm thinking something like this one right above.  If I do this one I'm
thinking of having it either be a circus tent or a stage where they all come up on stage it may be easier that way.  That way, if it is a stage I can have one environment to work with and then set it up different each time.  But, I'll see what happens. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Background Inspiration and Design

Today, I'm starting some work on the backgrounds. Here are some inspirational photos for me. This week, I'll be doing another batch of character sketches and maybe applying color. I may be thinking of going with an illustrator style and then using photoshop to texture it. Or maybe, a colored pencil look.

This is probably the closest background style that I am going for.
I love the simplicity of these two above.

I love the color schemes of this and the picture below.

I looked at some real circus rings to see how they look.

This picture above was kind of neat but, I don't think I'll be using that style. Maybe, I'll use the silhouette style for the end of my book when it is night time.